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Waffles vs Pancakes - The Breakfast Scoop Up Game for Families
Waffles vs Pancakes - The Breakfast Scoop Up Game for Families
Waffles vs Pancakes - The Breakfast Scoop Up Game for Families
Waffles vs Pancakes - The Breakfast Scoop Up Game for Families
Waffles vs Pancakes - The Breakfast Scoop Up Game for Families

Waffles vs Pancakes - The Breakfast Scoop Up Game for Families

Brand: What Do You Meme
Item # ww4010
SKU: 108694
Age: 8+
See Customer Service for store pickup details.
Personally I prefer them with syrup and whipped cream, but in a game is fine too! Introducing Waffles vs Pancakes, the breakfast food scoop-up game! Based on the TikTok viral trend, in this game you'll compete with your family and friends to scoop up the most Waffles or Pancakes using your spatula, while blind-folded. Just be careful not to scoop up the other team's pieces! Plus, look out for special Power Ups that will award you bonus points -- or take them away. Why not bring breakfast to family game night?