Timbuk Toys Personal Shopping Assistance

Get recommendations from our in-store “Toy Experts” at Timbuk Toys!  Fill out our Personal Shopping Assistance Form and we’ll help you select toys that are just right!

 This service is like coming into our store to talk with a sales person. We will get back to you by email or phone with toy recommendations to make your shopping fun and easy!  

Shopping Assistance is supported by store managers and lead staff members at our local Timbuk Toys stores. We are usually able to reply within one business day. Please allow extra time during the holiday season from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

Suggestions for online shopping: We can give you recommendations of items that you can view on our website. We’ll send you a list, and you can then make your purchase online.

Order a custom-selected gift package: Based on your specifications, we will pick out toys that fit your needs and your budget. We offer more toys at our stores than we can show on our website, so some items might not be viewable online. We will prepare a gift package and then call you to go over the choices and process the transaction as a phone order. When you’re in a hurry, or you don’t know exactly what to give, this popular service saves time and stress!