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Hurry Up Chicken Butt Game
Hurry Up Chicken Butt Game
Hurry Up Chicken Butt Game

Hurry Up Chicken Butt Game

Brand: ACD
Item # ekchucbcore4
SKU: 107580
Age: 4+
See Customer Service for store pickup details.
Hurry up, chicken butt... get moving and shaking (and laugh your butt off) with a silly game that young kids and grownups love to play together! It's like hot potato but with a chicken-shaped die shaker that clucks. Match the color dots to prompt cards and perform your activity: silly movements, animal sounds, and more. Then quickly pass the chicken shaker to the next player - don't get caught with it when the timer goes off! We love this game because it gets everyone wiggling, encourages silliness, gives everyone a chance to win, and is a butt-load of fun! For 2-6 players. Requires 2 AAA batteries, not included.

From ACD Toys & Games, for ages 4+ yrs.

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