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Bruder JCB Midi CX Loader Backhoe
Bruder JCB Midi CX Loader Backhoe
Bruder JCB Midi CX Loader Backhoe
Bruder JCB Midi CX Loader Backhoe

Bruder JCB Midi CX Loader Backhoe

Brand: Bruder
Item # 02427
SKU: 108875
Age: 3+
See Customer Service for store pickup details.

Beep, beep, beep! Put on your hard hat and enter an imagination-powered world of construction! Kids who love machinery will enjoy hours of pretend play fun with this impressive Backhoe loader. At a sizeable 16.2" x 4.8" x 6.6", it's equipped with both a fully functional and removable front shovel and rear excavator unit with one-hand operation. Two foldable stabilizer legs give the backhoe loader a secure hold, and pendulum axle for any terrain. Big treaded tires and realistic details on this 1:16 scale loader makes it a perfect choice for indoor or outdoor play.

From Bruder Toys, for ages 3+ yrs.